Scientific committee

Eileen Boris, professor, Gender and History, Hull Chair, University of California Santa Barbara.

Alain Chatriot, researcher, contemporary history,  Sciences Po (22e section), Paris.

Cyril Cosme, Director of Paris ILO bureau.

Norberto Ferreras, professor, contemporary american history, Universidade Federal Fluminense.

Lydia Fraile, Associate book review editor, Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Patrick Fridenson, director of studies, EHESS, CRH, associate member.

Eric Geerkens, professor of social and economic history, Université de Liège.

François Hénot, professor of private law , researcher at CEPRISCA, UFR de Droit et de Science politique, Université de Picardie Jules Verne.

Dorothea Hoehtker, researcher, ILO Geneva.

Jean-Claude Javillier, distinguished professor, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, honorary chairman of IE-IHEDN.

Michel Lallement, professor of  professeur of socilogical analysis of work, employment and organizations, CNAM, LISE.

Francis Maupain, former legal advisor and special advisor of the Director General.

Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo, studies director, CNRS, research director, EHESS, LAIOS – IIAC (UMR 8177), CNRS-EHESS.

Emmanuel Reynaud, sociologist, former International Labour Office member, Geneva.

Alain Supiot, law professor, Collège de France, member of Global Commission on the Future of Work, ILO.

Vincent Viet, Historian, researcher, Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé, CERMES, CNRS.

Susan Zimmerman, professor, departments of History and Gender studies, Central European University,  Budapest.

Aiqing Zheng, associate professor of social right, Remnin of China, Beijing.


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