The ILO was founded in 1919 and survived the League of Nations.
After World War II, the ILO brought to the United Nations system its unique experience and know-how derived from the tradition of the first internationalism.
This scientific and multidisciplinary symposium proposes to study the ILO by considering it as a part of broader institutional system whose primary goal is to create the conditions for universal peace and social justice.
Therefore, the ILO has formulated and followed ideals of social reform while remaining pragmatic on specific questions and adapting itself to a changing geopolitical environment. In many areas, the ILO can be considered as a pioneering institution.
As the ILO is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary, historians, sociologists, political scientists, lawyers and economists will seize this unique occasion to re-examine its origins, assess its experience over the century, and reflect upon its future and its (challenged) influence today. They will more particularly analyse the tensions between economic globalization and the objectives of universal social justice and decent work. Several workshops gathering social partners, institutional members, governement representatives, youth representatives as well as current ILO tripartite delegates will contribute to the debates.